
Skin Consultation: Your Skincare Routine Based On Skin Type — Guide

Skin Consultation is a series, on Reena’s Edit, all about skincare. We will cover product recommendations, daily routines, proper skin care, and the newest research for bettering your skin. Taking care of your skin is more important than covering it up.

Everyone’s skin is different and reacts to products differently. Many live in very different climates. Our bodies react one way or another. The face can tell a lot about your health. 

Face mapping can tell you about the health of your organs based on the area of the face where it is linked to. Chinese Face Mapping is an ancient practice that links certain areas of your face to your inner health. Your acne can be linked to other health issues. A spot can tell you that your body does not agree with fatty foods or dairy products, etc. 


The face — whether dry, oily, sensitive, or normal, needs its own skin routine. Skincare products have their own purposes and we use them based on our needs. 

Depending on your skin type, here is the outline of what products you should be using in your routines. We have also put together a FREE PDF Guide for a personalized skincare routine. Get your PDF Guide through email. 

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Join 24,000 others for monthly newsletters, giveaway announcements, exclusive guides, and Monday Motivations! Check your email for a FREE PDF Guide for a Personalized Skincare Routine with product recommendations.

Skincare Routine For Every Skin Type:

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